"Becoming Jane" is a 2007 British historical biographical movie directed by Julian Jerrold, which depicts the early life of Jane Austen, the author of Pride and Prejudice and her posited relationship with Thomas Langlois Lefroy. The movie is based on the 2003 book Becoming Jane Austen by Jon Hunter Spence.
Jarrold began the production of the film in early 2006, opting to shoot entirely in Ireland as he found it had better-preserved locations than Hampshire, England, where Austen grew up.
It is believed that Jane Austen's personal life is the inspiration of her book Pride and Prejudice and Elizabeth is the allusion of herself.
Jane Austen is the youngest daughter of Reverend George Austen and his wife has yet to find a suitable husband. Jane wishes to become a writer, to the dismay of her mother and the proud delight of her father.
She happened acquaint Thomas Lefroy, who is a lawyer with a bad reputation. They argued but increasingly taking interest in each other and in time they fell in love.
However, Jane goes back home and learnt that Thomas has engaged with someone else for his family arrangement. At the same time, she accepts the marriage proposal of Mr. Wisley.
She leaves to go home. Jane catches a last glimpse of Tom through the carriage window as he briefly follows, the horses outpacing him.
Years later, Jane has become a successful writer and the two happened to meet again and she found that Thomas named his eldest daughter Jane.
The last scene shows Tom's daughter sitting by Jane as she reads aloud from Pride and Prejudice, while Tom watches Jane affectionately. As she concludes, their eyes meet, and Tom joins the rest of the company in honouring Jane and her work with applause.
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